• geral@madeirasimportadas.com
  • Rua António Bastos Leitao
    16 Zona Industrial
    Flor Da Rosa, Crato

20 years marketing imported, certified, and sustainable wood for the construction industry. Our expertise will support you in identifying the best wood for your projects.

Purlins, Beams, Linings, Hardwood Floors, Hardware, Insulation, and ECOLOGICAL Paints, among others.

Our Solutions

Why choose us?

Our certified wood from sustainable forests in northern Europe assures the protection of future generations and supports the health and quality of life of the present generation.

We know wood and our know-how allows us to advise, support, and collaborate in the construction and maintenance of your project.

20 years of experience

Marketing woods and wood care products
for interior and exterior structures.


Contact us