• geral@madeirasimportadas.com
  • Rua António Bastos Leitao
    16 Zona Industrial
    Flor Da Rosa, Crato

Insulation - Madeiras Importadas


Intended for thermal and acoustic insulation of any building.

Our wood or cork fibre insulation eliminates construction emissions and respects nature and its sustainability

We are resellers of the best insulation manufacturers.


Indicated for
Our partners

Roofs, walls and slabs

– Wood Fibre

Roofs, walls and slabs

– Mineral Wool

Roofs, walls and slabs

– Tiles and Tapes

Wood Fibre

Indicated for:

– Roofs, walls and slabs

Our partners:

Mineral Wool

Indicated for:

– Roofs, walls and slabs

Our partners:

Tiles and Tapes

Indicated for:

– Roofs, walls and slabs

Our partners:
20 years of experience

Marketing woods and maintenance products
for interior and exterior structures.


Contact us